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Director & Choreographers
MEET THE DANCERS 2020-2021 Season
501 (c)(3) Nonprofit
Trainee Artist
Maddie Moayedi is a dancer, choreographer, and arts administrator from Baltimore, Maryland, graduating with a BFA in Dance from Towson University Magna Cum Laude. Beginning her dance training at age 16, Maddie spent her early studies training with Towson University Community Dance and Maryland Youth Ballet. During her time as a college student at Towson, she was able to perform in the dance company, directed by Runqiao Du and Linda-Denise Fisher-Harrell. During her 2021 season of Towson’s dance company, she performed an original solo work choreographed for her by Susan Mann titled Questions. Other works Maddie performed in Towson’s company include Paquita set by Runqiao Du and Emerge choreographed by Runqiao Du and Alison Seidenstricker. Additionally, while at Towson Maddie trained with the Akhmedova Ballet Academy in the studio company under Mme. Jacqueline Akhmedova’s instruction where she performed The Nutcracker, Paquita, and an original work titled Bella Ci Dormi choreographed by Mimmo Miccolis. Maddie spent her summers at the Orlando Ballet, Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet, Colorado Ballet, and Paul Taylor Dance Company. Most recently, Maddie is excited to have moved to New York City to dance with Chevalier Ballet as a trainee and work as a marketing associate with Mark DeGarmo Dance.